1. Menus
Step 1: You can manage main menu by going to Appearance--> Menus.
Step 2: Then you click Create Menu and type menu name.
Step 3: You can generate menu items from left side and drag the generated menu at the right side to sort it. After that, next task is assign menu to theme locations which could be Primary Menu, Header Top Menu or Footer Menu
2. MegaMenu
Select the menu item you want to make as mega menu and activate the mega menu option . The first item after the the megamenu item will be recognized as mega menu columns the other items under it will be normal menu items.
Step 1: Go to Appearance --> Widgets
Step 2: On the left frame, you can choose widgets that you need to use, drag and drop on sidebar right on the right frame
Footer Settings
You can go to Admin---->Appearance---->Widget to add widget for footer
- Footer 1:Using Contact info widget
- Footer 2:Using Latest Tweets widget
- Footer 3:Using Flickr Widget
- Footer 4:Using Newsletter widget
Note : You can select your own widgets to drag and drop on Footer
Post Categories
Below information provides you with foundations of how to create a post/portfolio with categories and tags.
A post contains 2 basic elements: Post Categories and Post Tags., so that you can manage all your posts easily. This part will introduce you to post categories and how to create them.
To add new post categories, navigate to Posts --> Categories
Post Tags
Create Posts
Post Option
There are some post types available so that you can make your posts diversified. Detailed information for each type is mentioned below:
1. Image
2. Slideshows
1. Video
There are two available options for you if your post type is Video: YouTube or Vimeo.
4. Audio
Another post type is audio. Go to SoundCloud's website and open an interesting audio. Then copy its ID and paste it to this option.
Portfolio Categories
Moving to this part, there is some basic information that can help you to create different portfolios. Similar as post, portfolios include 2 elements: Portfolio categories and Portfolio tags.
Create Portfolios
Step 1: To create new portfolio, you go to Portfolio --> Add new
Step 2: Enter portfolio name, categories and tags.
Portfolio Options:
+ Feature Image PNG: Upload your .png image which will be show when you use Recent Project element
+ Is Featured?: Is your portfolio featured?
+ Portfolio Type: There are 4 types: Images, Slideshows, Video and Audio. You can choose one of portfolio types and apply as same as for Post Types.