To install this theme, you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. For more information regarding installing the WordPress platform, please see the WordPress Codex

Please note that we do not give support or any questions related on how to install and maintain WordPress. For any faulty installation that may cause your website or our theme malfunction you should refer to WordPress support forum. Alternatively you can get help from your web hosting.

Basic Requirements

There are a lot of plugins supported. If these required plugins have not yet been installed, Install Plugins section will appear. You can go to Appearance --> Install Plugins to install them.

There are two plugin types: Required plugins and Recommended plugins. All required plugins should be installed when you install this theme:

1. Option tree

2. TZ Plazart (included in theme package)

3. Revolution Slider

4. Visual Composer

Notice: For Visual Composer, there are some basic usages. Its detail documentation is available in plugin folder of Theme package downloaded or using its online documentation.


To install this interesting theme, please comply step by step as following. Please click on pictures to enlarge.

Step 1 – Unzip the downloaded file

Step 2 – You will see 4 folders ( demo-data,document, plugins and theme) inside

Folder Contents
data-demo Contains demo database in .XML format . It is used if you want to make your site look like demo.
document Provides you with completed instruction to install your site using our theme. Use it to install the theme easily and correctly.
plugins Includes recommended and required plugins used in this theme. This folder also contains documentation of some these plugins.
theme This is the core of the theme. This folder contains a zip file used when you upload the theme.

You can upload this theme via 2 ways: FTP Upload or WordPress Upload

FTP Upload:

  • Unzip file that is in theme folder of theme package.
  • Upload extracted interiart folder into /wp-content / themes/ in your WordPress Installation.
  • For activate the theme, go to Appearances --> Themes and activate the installed theme.

WordPress Upload:

Install theme file in Theme Folder

  1. Navigate to Appearances--> Themes
  2. Click Add New button and then hit the Upload Theme
  3. Click on Choose file and find in your computer and click Install Now
  4. Click Activate to activate the installed theme.
  5. Activate required and recommended plugins

- So,you have installed Interiart theme successfully. You can use our demo data available by importing data-demo or follow this documentation to set up your site manually.

Importing Demo-Data

We have included .XML file in You need only upload zip file on theme and you can import demo-data; this allows you to quickly set up your theme the same way our demo is set up.

Note: Demo content has created by Visual Composer, Plazart, Option Tree plugin. Please activate these plugins before import data demo.

There are two files in demo-data folder: .XML file. You can import to have site as our demo

  1. Navigate to Dashboard --> Tools---> Import--->Wordpress
  2. You click on"Active & Run Importation
  3. Click on "Browser" to upload XML file in package

After importing dummy data, you will receive a message: "Import sucessfully. Have fun!". Installation finishes. If you install your site manually and do not use demo data, you can follow instruction mentioned in this document to set up each page.