Interiart- FAQs

You can find your answers easily in this page.


To install your site like demo, please follow steps below:

Step 1: You go to Admin--> Interiart Demo Import, Then, you can do as below images

Step 2: Go to Appearance --> Menus and choose Primary Menu and set up other menus.

Step 3: Go to Settings --> Reading and set up your static page.


To change Social Icons on Header section, you can go to Admin---->Appearance---> Theme Options---->Header Top Option

Note: You can insert your link social network to display all icons on Header top


You go to Appearance --> Theme Option --> Logo & Favicon. Please refer to Logo & Favicon in Theme Option to see in details


You go to Appearance --> Theme Option --> Copyright. Please refer to Footer settings in Theme Option to see in details


Because you have not yet imported demo sliders. To import them, you will go to Revolution Slider --> Import Slider. You can find these sliders which are in .txt format in data-demo folder


Yes, you can. Interiart supports Unlimited color, so that to change theme color, you just go to Appearance --> Theme Option --> Theme Style and choose Custom Theme Color.


To change Breadcrum image, please follow these step.

Step 1:Go to Admin ---->Appearance---->Theme Options----->Breadcrum Options to change image


After you extract theme package, you will see 3 folders inside: document, plugins and theme. Offline documentation is included in document folder.


Yes. You can find Child Theme in Theme folder - one of 4 folders inside theme package. You can learn more about Child Theme here