To change Social Icons on Header section, you can go to Admin---->Appearance---> Theme Options---->Header Top Option
Note: You can insert your link social network to display all icons on Header top
You can find your answers easily in this page.
To install your site like demo, please follow steps below:
Step 1: You go to Admin--> Interiart Demo Import, Then, you can do as below images
Step 2: Go to Appearance --> Menus and choose Primary Menu and set up other menus.
Step 3: Go to Settings --> Reading and set up your static page.
To change Social Icons on Header section, you can go to Admin---->Appearance---> Theme Options---->Header Top Option
Note: You can insert your link social network to display all icons on Header top
You go to Appearance --> Theme Option --> Logo & Favicon. Please refer to Logo & Favicon in Theme Option to see in details
You go to Appearance --> Theme Option --> Copyright. Please refer to Footer settings in Theme Option to see in details
Because you have not yet imported demo sliders. To import them, you will go to Revolution Slider --> Import Slider. You can find these sliders which are in .txt format in data-demo folder
Yes, you can. Interiart supports Unlimited color, so that to change theme color, you just go to Appearance --> Theme Option --> Theme Style and choose Custom Theme Color.
To change Breadcrum image, please follow these step.
Step 1:Go to Admin ---->Appearance---->Theme Options----->Breadcrum Options to change image
After you extract theme package, you will see 3 folders inside: document, plugins and theme. Offline documentation is included in document folder.
Yes. You can find Child Theme in Theme folder - one of 4 folders inside theme package. You can learn more about Child Theme here