About Us
How to create:
Step 1: Go to Pages --> Add new, choose Backend editor and create a new page
Step 2: Choose Template Home Page as its template page.
Step 3: Add your elements. Look at Preview image to find corresponding elements. For other versions, they will have different elements.
You can refer to Element section to get more information of these elements
How to create:
Step 1: Go to Pages --> Add new, choose Backend editor and create a new page
Step 2: Choose Template Home Page as its template page.
Step 3: Add your elements. Look at Preview image to find corresponding elements. For other versions, they will have different elements.
You can refer to Element section to get more information of these elements
How to create:
Step 1: Go to Pages --> Add new, choose Backend editor and create a new page
Step 2: Choose Template Home Page as its template page.
Step 3: Add your elements. Look at Preview image to find corresponding elements. For other versions, they will have different elements.
You can refer to Element section to get more information of these elements
How to create:
Step 1: Go to Pages --> Add new, choose Backend editor and create a new page
Step 2: Choose TZ Plus Gallery as its template page.
Step 3: This page uses TZ Plus Gallery plugin which can get images from Facebook, Instagram, Flickr and Google Plus.
You can refer to Tz Plus Gallery to get more information of this plugin
Under Construction
How to create:
Step 1: Go to Pages --> Add new, choose Backend editor and create a new page
Step 2: Choose Template Under Construction as its template page.
Step 3: Configure some options in page
You can refer to Element section to get more information of these elements